With a wide range of core competencies, CEI can manage your project from start to finish ensuring that the plan runs smoothly from our cutting-edge design and project management to fully integrated electronically controlled drive systems.

When you partner with CEI for Project Management you will have peace of mind knowing that our Project Management Plan (PMP) provides all projects with a custom all in one plan that encompasses every aspect of the project.
We work closely with our clients to ensure that our projects are clearly defined, completed on time even with variations, and on budget.
Working closely with our engineering and design team, our Engineering Manager and Senior Engineers work alongside our highly skilled Draftsperson and push the boundaries in excellence whilst delivering projects on time.

The PMP ensures the following
key aspects are met.
Project Delivery
Sub-Contractor Management
Switchboard Manufacturing
Management of Contract
Management of Site Workforce
Financial Reporting
Client Liaison
Work, Health, Safety and Environment Policies and Procedures
Emergency Planning
Audit / Workplace Action Items
Risk Management
Incident Recording, Investigation and Analysis

At CEI we pride ourselves on our outstanding OHS and Risk Assessment strategies. So much so that we employ a full-time OHS Manager to oversee every project and ensure that everyone is on board with our ‘Look. Is it safe?’ culture which stems from hands on experience.
We have an integrated approach to OHS and Risk Management and are constantly reviewing and refining our processes. We ensure we keep up to date with changes in current legislation, Australian Standards, Codes of Practice and Safe Work whilst incorporating this into our regular system reviews and audits as part of our systematic continuous improvement philosophy.
CEI always aims to exceed its moral, legal and economic obligations to reduce its Occupational, Health, Safety and Environment Risk.
The main objectives of the Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Systems are:
To promote and secure the Safety, Health and Welfare of persons employed by CEI Services and that of any persons, who by location, may be affected by its operations.
To identify areas of risk at the project planning stage and to introduce strategies to eliminate, reduce or control the risk.
To provide a safe system of work.
To define areas of responsibility.
To eliminate, reduce and control the hazards to which persons are exposed to.
To assist in securing a safe and hygienic work environment.
To conduct regular occupational inspections and audits ensuring compliance with the Safety Management Plan.
To provide information, instruction, training and supervision to all employees as necessary to enable them to carry out their work in a safe manner.
To foster co-operation and consultation between both employee and employer in the formulation and implementation of Safety, Health and Environmental Standards.

With the above objectives the goal of CEI Services is to promote a safe workplace whilst reducing the exposure to risk to “As low as is reasonably practicable”.
CEI Services primary works are within the water and wastewater industries. Our Turn-Key Solution to achieving the desired outcome is realised through industry involvement. CEI Services’ depth of experience in engineering, management, manufacture and installation is the key to our successful projects; being privately owned enables us to increase our resource capacity when required.